Friday, December 22, 2006

the snow is really deep here.
there is nothing like being forced
to stay inside to rouse up all kinds of
crazy thoughts.
and yet i am creatively barren.

i am listening to grizzly bear album right
now which may be exacerbating my mood.

by Georgia Douglas Johnson

All the pretty baubles spread
Are not the answer to my need,
These tinseled trappings but beguile
This journeying, while deep withen
A want unspeakable resides,
That throbs and throbs unceasingly, --
So hungering, -- no banquet spread
Can tempt it, and no golden wine
Make it forget: I balance it --
The world flies upward in the scale!
Always, unsoothed, unquieted,
It aches and aches across the days
And scars the nights that sum my life.

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