Friday, June 22, 2007

once again i am left without words to explain my
current state. thank goodness, my imagination is fun.
i am trying to learn something, anything.

(repeats included, i'm sure)
in a jar by dinosaur jr.
rusted guns of milan by art brut
sirustar by deerhoof
merge grizzly bear

"Nobody friggin' knew that there are times when my life has been on the precipice of death!"-grizzly man

Monday, June 18, 2007

even cynics have their good days.

listening to whipped cream and other delights
maximo park

Friday, June 15, 2007

asleep and shit.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Monday, June 11, 2007

life is v. well.
i won't elaborate past listing this weekend:
1. um, yeah
2. best worst garage sale ever
3. sleeping for 12+ hours and
having disturbing and pleasent
4. painting and watching movies
5. barbecuing and sitting outside

"It's probably just as well. I plagiarized most of it from James Joyce.
You probably wondered why all the references to Dublin. "
-Crimes and Misdimeanors

listening to:
broken social scene

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

owl are you doing?

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

i was going to list what happened today but
it would really be better as a narrative.

Monday, June 04, 2007

walkabout photos.

i am feeling a lot of feelings right now.
parle vous francais?

Saturday, June 02, 2007

question best pertaining to my current
thought process: is this okay?

i walked around in the forest today
everything is okay under trees
it smells good
nature just makes sense

sometimes i wish i didnt have to talk
or when i did talk something else would
come out

ugh sad sad sad
its almost hilarious
hopefully it will become hilarious
when i am old and i know what its like
to be really sad

(i am a barrel of laughs in real life, seriously)

"There's glass between us. You can't deal with my infinite nature can you?" - I heart huckabees